Round fruit, thin skin, small beads, thick gut
Nutritional value: High carbohydrate and vitamin C, calcium.
Average gravity : 300 to 400 gram/per fruit
Nutritional composition of breast milk in a very high performance are: Calcium 14.65 mg, 73.23 mg phosphorus, 67.2 mg potassium, magnesium 3.3 mg, Iron 2.33 mg, 73.23 mg of water, 2.33 mg protein, quality fiber 3.3 mg, 67.2 mg energy, carbohydrate, 14.65 mg, 14.5 mg vitamin C ... Which also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, especially carbohydrates, calcium, malic acid oil, chemical composition and treatment effects tanning room, antibacterial ...
Beneficial effects: Good for pregnant women, helps weight loss, Supply of carbohydrates to the body:Strong bones, excess fat.